Flower Remedies - Our Gift from Nature
Flower remedies
Flower Remedies
We are becoming aware that our world around us is changing, creating uncertainty for our future economy, health, weather, and ecology. Because of this it is normal to experience some fear, anxiety, depression and even anger.
During times of high stress we are more prone to disease. Modern science now knows that there is no separation between body and mind. What we think, what we feel, directly effects chemical and physical reactions in the body that make up our health.
We are energetic beings. Our thoughts are energies that create our physical realities. It has been my experience as I have worked with many integrative and complementary therapies that perfect health comes from caring for the body and the mind. Flower essences are natural vibratory remedies that have positive effects on our nervous systems and emotions, with no side effects. They help extinguish negative emotions thereby clearing stress in the energy field. Although the use of flowers for healing can be found in many ancient cultures, the use of flower essences as remedies for specific emotions and attitudes was first developed by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936).
Dr. Edward Bach was a respected homeopathic practitioner in England. In the 1930’s he discovered that many of his patients that had the same kind of physical disease also had similar personality types and temperaments. On the basis of this discovery, he began to treat his patients based on the mental symptoms he had correlated with them, disregarding physical symptoms. He began getting positive results.
What he had intuited correctly was that different emotional and personality factors, primarily fear and negative attitudes, contribute toward a general predisposition to illness. Bach continued to hypothesize that illness was a reflection of disharmony between the physical self and the body’s energy field or Higher Self. He began looking for natural remedies in the plant world. He said:
“From time immemorial it has been known that Providential Means have placed in nature the prevention and cure of disease, by means of divinely enriched herbs and plants and trees. They have been given the power to heal all types of illness and suffering. In treating cases with these remedies no notice is taken of the nature of the disease. The individual is treated, and as he becomes well the disease goes, having been cast off by the increase of health.”
In all, he discovered 38 different flower essences. Bach was a psychic sensitive, and discovered the effects of each flower through observation and their affects on him. He could touch the morning dew from a flower or its petal to his lips and he would experience the potential therapeutic effects of the plant. In fact, he was so sensitive that when he was exposed to a particular flower, he would experience all the physical symptoms and emotional states to which the flower was an antidote. This, in conjunction with feedback from his patients, created his definitions of the Bach Flower Remedies.
Flower essences are made by placing healthy flowers, picked at the peak of their blossoming cycle, in a bowl of pure water and set in the sun. Similar to homeopathic remedies, the water becomes imprinted with the flower’s vibration. When the transfer of energy is complete, the water infusion is stabilized. This tincture is called the mother essence. Stock bottles are prepared by adding several drops of mother essence to a bottle filled with a mixture of brandy and water.
On a subtle level, information is constantly moving between the environment and our energy fields, affecting hormonal signals within the body, as we continuously exchange energy with other people, animals, and the environment. Dr. Noah McKay, M.D. reminds us that our emotions are our body’s rapid response system for events taking place in our immediate environment right now. In fact, researchers have recently established a consistent pattern of measurable physiological reactions in the human body approximately five seconds before an unknown event occurs.
Positive (love-based) thoughts, feelings and occurrences vibrate at a high frequency, while negative (fear-based) thoughts, feelings and occurrences vibrate at lower frequencies. The body is constantly making choices whether to resonate with high or low vibrations. As we become more sensitive and self-aware, we can identify theses changes quickly and take the measures necessary to keep our vibration high, thus avoiding the physical manifestations of the lower vibrations — what we call disease.
We draw everything we need for life from nature. Specifically for our health, our central nervous systems respond most easily and favorably to input from the plant kingdom. Disorder and dysfunction first hit us through the central nervous system in the form of negative emotions. At times, when the central nervous system is compromised due to prolonged emotional trauma, electrical circuitry along the spinal column breaks or short-circuits. If nothing is done to correct it, the related network of nerves receives weakened electrical impulses rather than the usual strong ones.
Michaela Small Wright, owner of Perelandra Center for Nature Research, explains it best:
“These weakened impulses travel through the nerves to their related areas of the body, especially the endocrine system. Immediately, there is physical weakness in that area which, if not addressed, results in illness or disease. As a result we may experience illness, confusion, and out-of-control feelings. Flower essences are able to reconnect the broken circuitry and rebalance the electrical overload along the spine. This either stops the weakening effect on the body, or holds the balance while the body heals.”
Children and animals often benefit greatly from all forms of vibratory remedies because they tend to be highly sensitive to energy, their own and the environment.
Vibratory remedies have no side effects. They do not interfere with food or any other medications. They are taken by mouth, 4 drops at a time. It is perfectly safe to decide for yourself which to buy, and mix as many as you need.
There are now many companies producing flower essences from flowers all over the world. An Internet search will provide most of them. Each flower essence offers a remedy for a particular negative emotional imbalance, and an offering of new positive qualities. Many sensitive individuals using intuition, as well as careful research, have discerned these qualities. Bach Flower Remedies are the most renowned, however. They can be purchased online or at many health food stores. Below are some examples of some Bach flower essences pertinent to these trying times.
Aspen – Patterns of imbalance: Fear of the unknown, vague anxiety and apprehension, hidden fears, nightmares; easily startled or frightened.
Positive qualities: Trust and confidence to meet the unknown, sensitive attunement to the spiritual world; perceptive awareness of psychic realms.
Cherry Plum – Patterns of imbalance: Fear of losing control, mental and emotional breakdown; desperate or destructive impulses; acute tension and rigidity.
Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme stress or adversity.
Elm – Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelmed by personal or work obligations, feeling unequal to the task required; dysfunctional or scattered response to responsibilities and commitments.
Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete one’s task; ability to shoulder tasks effectively.
Gentian – Patterns of imbalance: Discouragement after a setback; doubt; depression due to a sense of failure.
Positive qualities: Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue despite apparent setbacks.
Impatiens – Patterns of imbalance: Impatience, irritation, hypertension, intolerance; pain due to tension and resistance in the body.
Positive qualities: Ability to flow harmoniously with time and daily rhythms, patient embrace of life events and the pace of others.
Oak – Patterns of imbalance: Iron-willed, inflexible; over-striving beyond one’s limits; taking on more than one can inwardly sustain.
Positive qualities: Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when to surrender.
Red Chestnut – Patterns of imbalance: Obsessive fear and apprehension for wellbeing of others, anticipation of problems accompanied by mental agitation or repetitive worry.
Positive qualities: Compassionate and trusting awareness of others; calm and serene disposition when considering the situation of others or life events.
Sweet Chestnut – Patterns of imbalance: Pronounced despair and agony; feeling of aloneness or abandonment due to a “dark night of the soul.”
Positive qualities: Spiritual depth, faith derived from encountering adversity; solitude rooted in spiritual communion.
White Chestnut – Patterns of imbalance: Worry-bound repetitive thoughts, chattering mind; restless and agitated mental condition; insomnia.
Positive qualities: Tranquil disposition, spacious mental state that transcends personal or petty thoughts.
Wild Oat – Patterns of imbalance: Confusion and indecision about life direction; trying many activities but chronically dissatisfied or restless, lack of commitment or focus; work for survival rather than service.
Positive qualities: Work as an expression of inner calling; manifestation of one’s true goals and values; work experiences motivated by a clear life purpose and conviction.
By March 25, 2016 By Randi
Let Flower Essences Work For You - Randi Botnick